Jokes I Can’t Tell You, A-Z

I found a fun meme online, and decided to make one for each letter of the alphabet. Enjoy.

  1. I have an avalanche joke, it starts suddenly but it’s all downhill after that.
  2. I have a basketball joke, it’s a slam dunk.
  3. I have a card joke, but you can’t deal with it.
  4. I have a DEI joke, but I’d have to take some affirmative action to tell it.
  5. I have a DEI joke, but I’m white so I can’t tell it.
  6. I have a DEI joke, but it’s hate speech.
  7. I have a DEI joke, but you can be fired for not liking it.
  8. I have a DEI joke, but you’re too sensitive to to hear it.
  9. I have a DEI joke, it doesn’t have to be good.
  10. I have a DEI joke, it’s colorful.
  11. I have a DEI joke, you are required to like it.
  12. I have a dumb joke, but I can’t say it.
  13. I have an egg joke, but it always comes out scrambled.
  14. I have a green energy joke, but I don’t have enough energy to deliver it.
  15. I have a fart joke, but it stinks – same with my halitosis and skunk jokes.
  16. I have a frat joke, it’s rich.
  17. I have a confusing grappling joke, it’s hard to pin down.
  18. I have a hipster joke, but it’s too cool for you.
  19. I have an ignorant joke, but it’s stupid.
  20. I have an iron oxide joke, but I’m a little rusty.
  21. I have a jalapeƱo joke, but it’s too spicy.
  22. I have a jerky joke, but it’s a little dry.
  23. I have a koala joke, but you can’t bear it.
  24. I have a lame joke, but it’s got no legs.
  25. I have a momma joke, but it’s so dumb.
  26. I have a money joke, it’s rich.
  27. I have a NASCAR joke, but it’s too racy.
  28. I have a nunchuck joke, it’ll hit you whey you’re not expecting it.
  29. I have an opossum joke, but it’s ugly.
  30. I have a prime number joke, but it’s odd.
  31. I have a queer joke, but it’s gay.
  32. I have a running joke, but nobody really likes it.
  33. I have a silent joke, I bet you’ve never heard it.
  34. I have a turd joke, I’ll drop it later.
  35. I have an umbrella joke, but it’s clumsy.
  36. I have an uvula joke, but I keep choking on it.
  37. I have a ventriloquist joke, but it’s only for dummies.
  38. I have a wimp joke, but it’s weak.
  39. I have a xylophone joke, but it’s obnoxious.
  40. I have a youtube joke, but it’s been demonitized.
  41. I have a zoom joke, we’ll meet later and I’ll tell it to you.